Charity is one of the most generous acts. The greatest thing about charity is that it doesn’t always need to be big. It is undefined.

It has been a major source for many of the needy people to survive in every society.

Why do we believe in charity?

  • Adds meaning to life:

Knowing that you sacrificed something such as time, finances or property in order to help others in need can give you a sense of purpose in life or work and inner satisfaction.

  • Contribution to reduce the societal gap

Another major reason to do charity is that it helps contribute to reduce the social and economical gaps in the society.

  • Inspire others

If a person donates, the others notice it and are sooner or later inspired to follow. This way charity stimulates goodness and humanity among people.

Believing that a person’s true wealth is the good he does in the world, MNB is sponsoring several charity projects in different destinations whether in Egypt or in different continents.

The principle trust

  • “The principle trust” is one of the non-Profitable foundation located in UK, the principle trust aims to provide a holiday retreat for  children and their families, who are disadvantaged socially, physically, emotionally or as a result of extreme poverty.
  • Therefore we decided to be a part of that benevolent act through a long term sponsorship of sharing a yearly contribution with the principle trust.


Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 is the largest children’s cancer hospital in the world. CCHE is leading the way in healthcare in Egypt and is a model of what people can do when they work together for the benefit of mankind.Read More